Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hold Tight by Harlan Coben ( Chapters 6 -8)

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 focuses more on the family (mainly the mother) who lost their son due to suicide. His name was Soencer, and he was really good friends with Mike and Tia's son Adam. They were really close friends. The cops found his body on top of the school roof with broken bottles surrounding him. Before he died, he sent a goodbye text to everyone, including Adam. Spencer's mother looks at all the old photographs of him and his friends. After spencer's death things hadn't been thesame in the house. They refuse to talk about it. That's why in the beginning of the chapter the describe the house as dead, not living, gone. As she is looking through the photographs, she notices a specific picture which was taken the night Spencer died, he was with a group of people, he wasn't alone.
I wouldn't know what to say if I were to know if my son has died or committed suicide. And if I was one of the friends he or she texted before he or she did it and knowing I could of stopped it but I didn't noticed I got the text unilateral later, I probably wouldn't forgive myself. I can only imagine what Adam must be going through. I think that's why he behaves the way he does, because he feels guilty that he did not do anything. It could reall explain a lot.

Chapter 7

This chapter focused more on Mikes job. He's a doctor, which he faces a lot of challeges today. A lady is badly injured in the face who was attacked by a new gang who call themselves "Al qaeda". He is also ordered to tell this other patient to tell him that his son isn't really his son. Nothing really too interesting except for thoes two.
I honestly wouldn't know what I would do if I was told to tell one of my patients that his son isn't his son. By then again it's their job, no matter how bad the news is. I wouldn't make a good doctor to be honest. Maybe in the later chapters it will focus more on Adam and the family or maybe they will go back to the mysterious mustash man and straw hair lady.

Chapter 8

Mike and his team of doctors and nurses are trying to fun a transplant for the patient who's son isn't his biological son. Mike wants to help by donating one of his kidneys but he can't because he isn't a good match. They have to find one of his real children in order to help him in the mean time, Spencer's mother is still trying to figure out what happened that night. Se finds Adam and tries to get him to tell her what happened that might, which caused Adam to run away and deny tht he was there the night he died even though Spencer's mom gas proof that he was there.
I believe that Adam is still really hurt about his friends death that he doesn't want ro talk about it right now. And is in denial which I think is normal for someone who was close to someone who you knew died.

Hold Tight by Harlan Coben (Chapters 4 - 5)

Chapter 4

This chapter is pretty short. Mo (Who claims to be Adams godson which he is not.) and Mike are discussing about why adam is behaving the was he is. When they arrive to Mike and Tia's house, Tia doesn't want Mo do get involved in their personal issues with their son. Tia is panicing and Mike is really concerned why but Tia won't say anything until Mo leaves. Mo asks Mike what cellphone company he has and Mike tells him then asks him why. He decides to tell him later and leaves, that's where the chapter ends.

I personally belive that Mo shouldn't have gotten involved in Mike and Tia's personal problems. I understand he cares about Adam but he should just let the parents handle it. It seems kind of frustrating as a parent to have someone else get involved who you do not want. I predict that by the way Tia is acting, I think Adam did something bad, like robbing a store or doing drugs. (I would be concerned if my child was doing those things.)

Chapter 5

Tia takes out the spy report to show to Mike.The party comes up again. And they also find out that their son watches pronography. On that part Mike deffended Adam saying that when he was his age, he did the same thing. But he does not approve of course. (I don't get that part, i mean if you don't approve of what he's doing then why did you say that you used to do it. It makes no sense. I think Mike should of just kept quiet and he could of avoided an argument.) They decide to keep him form going to the party but then they think if they do that, Adam might think something is up and he might rebell and he might actually do all the drugs and drinking at the party. They see that misterious IM name again and Mike decides to take him to a baseball game, whether Adam likes it or not.