Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan (Chapter 1)

This new book that I have started reading, has been a really great book so far. Very good description of the setting and characters. It starts off with the main character who lives in a small town, the only surviving town in the zombie Apocalypse. Her mother is desperately waiting for her husband to return but he was disappeared a long time ago. The main character falls for this boy in their town and he likes her as well. The town has an alarm to warn the citizens of the town that a zombie has entered their town and they should take shelter and stay there until it is clear, and if you become infected, you are no longer welcomed back into the town and you're thrown out over the tall gates that are separating the zombies from the uninfected people. If you're into zombies, I would recommend you to read this book.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hold Tight by Harlan Coben ( Chapters 6 -8)

Chapter 6

Chapter 6 focuses more on the family (mainly the mother) who lost their son due to suicide. His name was Soencer, and he was really good friends with Mike and Tia's son Adam. They were really close friends. The cops found his body on top of the school roof with broken bottles surrounding him. Before he died, he sent a goodbye text to everyone, including Adam. Spencer's mother looks at all the old photographs of him and his friends. After spencer's death things hadn't been thesame in the house. They refuse to talk about it. That's why in the beginning of the chapter the describe the house as dead, not living, gone. As she is looking through the photographs, she notices a specific picture which was taken the night Spencer died, he was with a group of people, he wasn't alone.
I wouldn't know what to say if I were to know if my son has died or committed suicide. And if I was one of the friends he or she texted before he or she did it and knowing I could of stopped it but I didn't noticed I got the text unilateral later, I probably wouldn't forgive myself. I can only imagine what Adam must be going through. I think that's why he behaves the way he does, because he feels guilty that he did not do anything. It could reall explain a lot.

Chapter 7

This chapter focused more on Mikes job. He's a doctor, which he faces a lot of challeges today. A lady is badly injured in the face who was attacked by a new gang who call themselves "Al qaeda". He is also ordered to tell this other patient to tell him that his son isn't really his son. Nothing really too interesting except for thoes two.
I honestly wouldn't know what I would do if I was told to tell one of my patients that his son isn't his son. By then again it's their job, no matter how bad the news is. I wouldn't make a good doctor to be honest. Maybe in the later chapters it will focus more on Adam and the family or maybe they will go back to the mysterious mustash man and straw hair lady.

Chapter 8

Mike and his team of doctors and nurses are trying to fun a transplant for the patient who's son isn't his biological son. Mike wants to help by donating one of his kidneys but he can't because he isn't a good match. They have to find one of his real children in order to help him in the mean time, Spencer's mother is still trying to figure out what happened that night. Se finds Adam and tries to get him to tell her what happened that might, which caused Adam to run away and deny tht he was there the night he died even though Spencer's mom gas proof that he was there.
I believe that Adam is still really hurt about his friends death that he doesn't want ro talk about it right now. And is in denial which I think is normal for someone who was close to someone who you knew died.

Hold Tight by Harlan Coben (Chapters 4 - 5)

Chapter 4

This chapter is pretty short. Mo (Who claims to be Adams godson which he is not.) and Mike are discussing about why adam is behaving the was he is. When they arrive to Mike and Tia's house, Tia doesn't want Mo do get involved in their personal issues with their son. Tia is panicing and Mike is really concerned why but Tia won't say anything until Mo leaves. Mo asks Mike what cellphone company he has and Mike tells him then asks him why. He decides to tell him later and leaves, that's where the chapter ends.

I personally belive that Mo shouldn't have gotten involved in Mike and Tia's personal problems. I understand he cares about Adam but he should just let the parents handle it. It seems kind of frustrating as a parent to have someone else get involved who you do not want. I predict that by the way Tia is acting, I think Adam did something bad, like robbing a store or doing drugs. (I would be concerned if my child was doing those things.)

Chapter 5

Tia takes out the spy report to show to Mike.The party comes up again. And they also find out that their son watches pronography. On that part Mike deffended Adam saying that when he was his age, he did the same thing. But he does not approve of course. (I don't get that part, i mean if you don't approve of what he's doing then why did you say that you used to do it. It makes no sense. I think Mike should of just kept quiet and he could of avoided an argument.) They decide to keep him form going to the party but then they think if they do that, Adam might think something is up and he might rebell and he might actually do all the drugs and drinking at the party. They see that misterious IM name again and Mike decides to take him to a baseball game, whether Adam likes it or not.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Hold Tight by Harlan Coben (Chapters 1 - 3)

A good book so far, as i began reading this book, i immediately got hooked on it. This book is about a murderer on the loose with his female companion who are pretending to get to know people and befriend them so they can gain their trust and then kidnap them then later killing them. But it isn't just about the murderers, it's also about a family, the Baye's who begin to struggle with their son, Adam's dramatic change in behavior ever since his friend committed suicide. So far, I've read the reviews for this book and it's a must read book. You could check them out here at Amazon.com

The reason I chose to read this book is because first the cover and title really caught my attention. Also because thrillers and suspenseful stories are my favorite stories to read. I can never get enough of them. It might have it's sad parts (who knows), but no matter what, i'll keep on reading. Now let's get down to chapters 1 - 3. 

Chapter 1:
         The story Begins with the character Marianne, who is in a bar taking shots by herself, feeling depressed. According to the story she has done something wrong but we aren't sure what that something could of been. She then meets this couple of strangers a man with a very interesting mustache and a woman with straw-like hair. (You meet the strangest people in bars i guess.) They befriend her by having a conversation about the most random things until she (Marianne) starts to feel sick to her stomach, the lady with the straw-like hair tries to help her and tells her that she's going to take her outside to get some "fresh air". Little did Marianne knew, she was being taken to a dark ally and thrown into a white van that belonged to the mysterious mustache man and straw-haired lady. they tie her up and tape her mouth shut and the chapter ends there. I personally believe that you really shouldn't trust complete strangers with certain things, Marianne was too drunk to even pay attention that one of them had slipped something into her drink to make her feel the way she did. It was a pretty scary chapter, you could pretty much imagine every little detail that's going on like as if you're watching a movie or as if you're watching the events happen before your very eyes.

Chapter 2:
           This chapter transitions and focuses only on the Baye family. (Don't worry, you'll find out what happens to Marianne soon just not right now.) The Baye's, Tia and Mike have a son named Adam, and he has been acting differently ever since his friend has committed suicide. Tia has lost all trust in his son and decides to install a spy system on to his computer. She feels that way she will know what her son is doing at all times and to constantly keep watch over him so he won't do anything bad, Mike on the other hand feels like it's an invasion of privacy and as much as he cares about his son he doesn't feel like installing the program is unnecessary but Tia's mind was made up and there was nothing Mike could do about it. Eventually Tia convinces him that it's necessary and it's for the best for their son. 
I personally believe that they did well installing that program, because a child who has been dramatically changing in behavior should be watched closely and if they see that something that they did was unacceptable that they should take action. 

Chapter 3:
      Chapter three is where things start to get a bit hectic. Tia is still concerned about her son's behavior and is wondering of how to make him go back to the way he used to be. She's at work and gets called down to her bosses office. she is given a deposition. She takes it bout she is more concerned about her child at the moment. she got an alert on her phone from the spy system and she was given a conversation that her son, Adam had with another "friend" of his. Adam was invited to a party where there will be a lot of drugs and alcohol. She later texts her husband to go home immediately to talk about it. When Mike gets home, suspicions begin to rise. They've never seen the name of the mysterious guy who's been contacting with their son. fearing the worst, they think of a plan to make sure their son doesn't go to the party.
This chapter is where things start to get interesting, the mysterious "kid" who's been sending instant messages to Adam, and what ever happened to Marianne? Keep reading the blogs and find out. :]